Who we Are

FLAG Flag Football is a recreational football club. We play on Saturday mornings in the fall and spring. All skill levels are encouraged to participate. We play with flags and try to minimize contact. Our league now has 24 teams, over 300 participants, a loyal and growing group of spectators and supporters and we reach hundreds more people through our educational and outreach activities. Through flag football, we foster an environment where LGBTQIA+ persons…

  • learn about and participate in a team sport, many for the first time in their lives

  • build relationships and break down stereotypes between LGBTQIA+ and allied teammates (which are a key to combating stereotypes, homophobia and xenophobia within and outside of the LGBTQIA+ community)

  • share our values with all who see us play, hear us speak, read about us in the newspaper or meet us in the community

  • create opportunities for exercise for our participants, helping us improve and maintain our health and combat obesity.